Robert Darnton, diretor da biblioteca de Harvard, publicou esta semana um novo texto sobre digitalização de livros, bibliotecas e assuntos relacionados no site do New York Review of Books: How Google Can Save America’s Books.
Google represents the ultimate in business plans. By controlling access to information, it has made billions, which it is now investing in the control of the information itself. What began as Google Book Search is therefore becoming the largest library and book business in the world. Like all commercial enterprises, Google’s primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders. Libraries exist to get books to readers—books and other forms of knowledge and entertainment, provided for free. The fundamental incompatibility of purpose between libraries and Google Book Search could be mitigated if Google were willing to contribute some of its data and expertise to the creation of a Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).
Leia o artigo completo de Robert Darnton no site do New York Review of Books: How Google Can Save America’s Books.
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